The following terms and conditions need to be agreed to before you may register your car.
All vehicles registered are to be pre 1990 or subject to acceptance by committee.
All vehicles are to be parked before 08:45 on the day of the Riebeek Valley Motor Show.
No vehicle may leave the display area before 16:00 on the day of the Riebeek Valley Motor Show unless explicitly arranged with the organisers of the Riebeek Valley Motor Show.
No vehicle may be moved during the hours of the Riebeek Valley Motor Show (09:00 to 16:00) unless explicitly arranged with the organisers of the Riebeek Valley Motor Show.
The organisers of the Riebeek Valley Motor Show will not be held responsible nor accept any liability for any theft, damage or fire to any vehicle or other exhibit displayed at the Riebeek Valley Motor Show.
The organisers of the Riebeek Valley Motor Show will not be held responsible nor accept any liability for any injuries to any person attending the Riebeek Valley Motor Show.
All vehicles and exhibits are left at the premises at the owners risk and are to be covered under owners insurance.
Vehicles to carry their own fire extinguishers where possible.
Waiting List
PLease note that the bookings for the Riebeek Valley Motor Show have reached the capcity available.
However there is a waiting list available. Should a vacancy occur, you will be notified.
If you would like your name to be added to the waiting list, please press the Continue button below.
Thank you for your understanding
Waiting List
PLease note that the bookings for the Riebeek Valley Motor Show have reached the capcity available.
This registration places your entry on the list. Should a vacancy occur, you will be notified.
Thank you for your understanding
This registration if accepted entitles you to bring in your vehicle and entrance for the driver + 1 passenger (passgenger must be present at time of entry).
Any additional passengers must purchase an entrance ticket